Friday, February 18, 2011

Christopher Nolan's Inception Oscar Snub (The Daily Beast)

Nolan's Oscar snub remains awards season's biggest head-scratcher. It arrives as a kind of slap in the face for a filmmaking wunderkind whose meteoric rise from art house auteur to Intelligent Action Ace has made him, arguably, the hottest director in town. ...

Nolan's exclusion from the Best Directors Club throws into stark relief some of the tricky social mores and you-just-haven't-earned-it-yet-baby groupthink governing the annual popularity contest that is the Oscars.
Personally, I think this is the reason that the Oscars seem to be less relevant every year. (Am I allowed to say that?) Joe Public doesn't want politics and snootiness - he just wants the actual best movie/actor/director to win. Why is that so hard to understand? But, I guess that's why we have the People's Choice Awards.

The article goes on to examine a few other possibilities for why Nolan may not have been nominated - take a peek.

Read the full article here.

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