Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jonathan Franzen’s "Freedom" Is All the Rage (NY Times / AV Club)

“Do I think I should be getting all of the attention that Jonathan ‘Genius’ Franzen gets? Nope. Would I like to be taken at least as seriously as a Jonathan Tropper or a Nick Hornby? Absolutely,” said Ms. Weiner in an interview that the Huffington Post conducted with her and Ms. Picoult. For Ms. Picoult’s part, “I want to make it clear that I have absolutely nothing against Jonathan Franzen,” she said in the interview. “I hope I read ["Freedom"] and love it. None of this was motivated as a critique against him or his work, just that he is someone The Times has chosen to review twice in seven days.”
So many of our films are based on books, I've decided that when something interesting about publishing or a specific book pops up, it's worthy of a spot on the blog. And Franzen's "Freedom" has been popping up everywhere, helped in large part by the controversy alluded to above (which actually has more to do with the NY Times than Franzen, but that's really beside the point now.) The book came out yesterday - any of you pick it up yet?

Read the full article here.
Read the NY Times' two reviews here and here.
You can read an excerpt of the novel here.
Finally, AV Club published a nice interview with Franzen yesterday, which you can find here.

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